Uchiwa 0.9.0
Jun 9, 2015
1 minute read

We’re happy to announce the release of Uchiwa 0.9.0. This new version introduces some new features and a lot of improvements behind the scene.

You can download Uchiwa 0.9.0 right now and view the changelog. It will be available for download on the Sensu repositories soon.

Vendoring dependencies

This will mainly impact the users that are running Uchiwa from the source. Uchiwa now uses Godep to manage the project dependencies. We highly recommend you to use godep to run Uchiwa or build your own packages in order to make sure you are using the right dependencies at any time. The Uchiwa documentation has been updated to reflect this new change.

The search inbox now display a result count

A gif is worth a thousand words.

Filter events by check

A new filter is now available on the events view, which allow you to display all events related to a specific check.

Display the output for all checks

This is a change that was introduced with Sensu 0.18.0 and Uchiwa users can now take advantage of it. You will now be able to see the last output of a successful check, which was previously only possible with checks associated to an event.

Go see the changelog for more changes!

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