Uchiwa 0.5.1
Feb 21, 2015
2 minutes read

We’re happy to announce the release of Uchiwa 0.5.1! This is a small bug fix release but since Uchiwa 0.5.0 was never officially released due to some build issues, it also contains a lot of new exciting features.

You can download Uchiwa 0.5.1 right now and view the changelog. It should also be available for download on the Sensu repositories soon.

Please report any issue you may find.

Two projects, one dashboard

With the 0.5.0 release, Uchiwa has been divided into two distinct repositories. For more information, read the blog post.

Contribute to the Uchiwa docs

All documentation regarding Uchiwa has been moved to docs.uchiwa.io. You can now start contributing to the documentation by forking the uchiwa-docs repository.

Improved authentication

The basic http authentication method previously used has been replaced with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which allows us to implement a login page instead of a dialog box.


You can now list your aggregate checks directly from Uchiwa, using the Aggregates view. You can also preview the result of a particular aggregate check that ran at a specific time within the same view.

Custom date for stashes

A fifth option is now available during stash creation in order to allow a custom expiration date by manually entering the desired value.

Silenced clients filter

The option Silenced Clients has been added to the Hide dropdown menu on the Events view, which will hide any events associated to a client that has already been silenced. In addition to this change, the client acknowledgment status is now also shown beside the source name.

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