Good news - Uchiwa 0.11.1 has been published. This release introduces some major performance and stability enhancements.
You can download Uchiwa 0.11.1 right now and view the changelog. It will be available for download on the Sensu repositories within the next few days.
Uchiwa RESTful API
The Uchiwa frontend application now fully takes advantage of the new granular API in order to efficiently load the precise resources needed by the web application. This results in a lower memory consumption of the browser and a more stable navigation.
This API is not considered stable yet in the sense that it might evolve within the next few releases but as soon it does, we’ll provide some documentation so you can take advantage of it and have access to a single source of information for all your Sensu data.
Bulk removal of stashes
You can now easily delete multiple stashes at once.
Go 1.5.1
Uchiwa is now built with Go 1.5.1 instead of 1.4.2, which brings some interesting improvements to the garbage collector and the runtime.
Go see the changelog for all improvements and bug fixes!